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Don’t know if it’s time to move? Here’s a few good reasons to sell your home

Even after you’ve taken all the first time home buyer advice from relatives, friends and professionals, submitted to the mortgage application process and lived in the place for some time, you might find the house you originally fell in love with doesn’t suit your ever changing lifestyle. You won’t always have the money for the renovation you’ll need or have the ability to change the neighbourhood to suit your design, so there’s always a time when the best move is to look for a new home.

Here’s a few of the conditions that should tell you it’s time to consider a move.

The location doesn’t fit your lifestyle anymore. A new job that has great potential might require a move to another location in this employment environment. If you’re getting to the end of your working life and want to downsize to a retirement community where there’s more security and less maintenance, a move is actually great for peace of mind. If you’re moving for professional reasons, you might even get a tax break on the moving expenses.
The size of the house doesn’t work anymore. Your family might be growing and you don’t want to renovate, or the municipality where you live won’t let you put a new addition on your current house. All good reasons to start looking for something new. Of course, when the last child finally moves out and you find you’re an empty nester, you may realize you no longer need or want all that extra space.

Finally, you need to be able to roll with the punches that life can throw your way. The death of someone in the family or even a marital split can make it so you need a new life and the house you’re in just doesn’t fit with that plan. In the end, some of the best first time home buyer advice has to do with being ready to know when it’s time to put the For Sale sign on the lawn.

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