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BlogFirst Time Mortgage

Here’s a few good reasons to buy a home

While it is true there have been some bumps in the road as far as investing in real estate goes over the last several years, some of the best first time home buyer advice you’ll get is to go ahead and start looking for a place of your own. The advantages still far outweigh the negatives when it comes to getting those keys and following are a few reasons why investing in real estate is still some of the best first time home buyer advice you can get.

Not only will you appreciate having your own place, but the home that you finally pick will show you its appreciation over time. Let us explain. Real estate is still the historically proven way to buy something that has a long term stable growth in value. That even includes those years when the economy in general was suffering through the last recession.
With that appreciation in value comes another benefit called equity. No list of first time home buyer tips is complete without some mention of this type of home ownership you build over time by making your mortgage payments. Remember money spent on rent is money you’ll never see again while making those mortgage payments is an investment in your future wealth.

You can even make those mortgage payments as predictable as you want with a fixed rate mortgage. With this type of plan, these payments stay constant although you might still incur increases in utilities and property taxes. There’s a certain type of stability that you get with owning a house that can’t be matched when you rent. Staying the same neighborhood for several years is a great way to build lasting relationships with the people around you. This kind of lifestyle also offers your children the stability of staying in the same school.

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