Getting started on your home ownership journey is about getting the best mortgage rates. Sure, that’s only part of the story and it’s only part of what we do as your mortgage broker in Toronto. Staying on top of all the industry trends and having relationships with lenders is how we accomplish this goal.
That’s why we’ve taken the time to put together the top renovation trends for 2020. Hopefully, these will help you with your investment as time goes by.
Home Wellness Takes Centre Stage
Younger buyers still want a good deal, but wellness is taking a bigger chunk of what they’re looking for this year. Millennial’s still want the best mortgage rates. However, they’ve been earmarked as the generation that are willing to spend on wellness/healthy products. Non-toxic materials when it comes to the kind of paint used in kitchen and bathroom renovations is one of the big focuses. Water and air purification systems are also high on the Millennial buying list.
More DYI Projects Team up With the Best Mortgage Rates
There’s lots of information about doing things yourself when it comes to renovations in places like YouTube. There’s every indication that more and more people will take advantage of this trend and the number of DIY renovations projects will go up this year.
Consumers are also using technology to get all the information they need to make smart purchases.
Finally, the more things change the more some stay the same. Research tells us that the smart homeowner will still need to put some money away for quick fixes in areas like plumbing.
In other words, getting the best mortgage rates will help you to save some money for an emergency if your roof springs a leak. Getting in touch with us is easy. We can help you get the mortgage you need.